Only Pay 3% When You Hire With Jesica

Let model deliver high quality candidates!

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How our AI Model Works

Effortlessly identify the right candidates with Jesica’s assistance.

With Clients Achieve


Cost Savings

10x higher cost efficiency. Cut costs from 20% market rate to 3% pay-when-you-hire.


Time Savings

10x faster time-to-hire to fill open roles.
Double your hiring productivity.


match accuracy

AI-driven assessments and expert validation.
Only meet top skills and culture-fit talent.

Jesica's AI model, will create an accurate job description.

Simplify the process of crafting compelling job descriptions. With Jesica’s advanced algorithms, creating tailored and enticing job posts is a breeze. Just provide key details, and Jesica will generate accurate job descriptions to attract top talent.

Video interviews provide insights beyond resumes.

Jesica is revolutionizing hiring with seamless video interviews. Powered by advanced algorithms, Jesica analyzes candidate’s response and assigns them a score allowing you to asses the candidate’s suitability. Ensures a streamlined candidate experience.

Detailed assessments allows you to make informed selections.

Need to know more about your applicants? Use our detailed candidate summary report which provides you with a comprehensive analysis and an accurate scoring based on our self learning model, to easily identify top candidates.

Built for The Future, Available Now!

With lots of unique features, you are ready to cut your hiring time by half
No credit card required

Transform Your Hiring Strategy with Recruitment Software

This sounds simple, but it is beneficial to your business success.

Team Capacity

Increase your teams capacity Jesica works 24/7 to take over all repetitive tasks

Reduce Cost

Reduce your overall cost Customers using Jesica reduced up to 45% of their hiring cost

Hire Faster

Help you hire faster On average, our AI recruiting platform saved 7 working days per hire

Automated Analysis

Talk to 100% of your candidates​ no more missed candidates

Automated Screening

Help you see the top candidates only why spend time screening all candidates?

Candidate Summary

Trained to look at candidates without bias Jesica does not look at name, ethnicity, gender, age or race

Frequently Asked Questions

Can’t find the answers you’re looking for? Reach out to our customer support team.
How accurate is Jesica's candidate screening and recommendations? What is the success rate?

We evaluate a candidate’s resume and their responses to the screening questions, currently our accuracy is >80% for both. We are working on ways to improve our accuracy to the highest possible standards.

Jesica works across all industries and levels.

The whole premise of Jesica is to find the top candidates quickly, the exact amount of time saved could vary by every employers and roles they’re hiring for. But, we have seen our clients identify top candidates in less than 1 weeks, this could take more than 4 weeks in manual recruiting process.

Jesica currently does not have a direct integration with any ATS/HRIS systems. However that is on our roadmap for later this year.

As part of your set-up, Jesica gathers few core data elements such as what industry do you operate in? What’s the size of your company? This helps us establish a baseline and we improvise our model based on your hiring activities.
Jesica is in the process of securing GDPR certification, but we do not sell any data to any external 3rd parties. We only use the data to inform our models and products.
Jesica has dedicated customer support team which can be reached at once you submit your question we’ll reach back out to you in less than 24 hours.
No, there are no hidden costs or fees. You only pay for the subscription level you have signed-up for.