Revolutionize your hiring process powered with Ai

Jesica’s AI models screens candidates with unmatched accuracy. Making it easier for you to scale your hiring.

AI powered Job Description 

Work with our interactive AI model to build the right job description for the position you’re hiring for

AI powered screening questions

Select the right screening questions recommended by our models based on your requirements 

Share on famous Job boards

Broaden your recruitment horizons by sharing your job postings on top job boards. Maximize visibility and attract top talent effortlessly.

Time and Cost

Save valuable time and resources by automating the job description creation process. Our AI-powered platform generates high-quality Questions in minutes, allowing you to focus on other strategic tasks.

Crafting job descriptions that attract top talent

Accurately represent the role’s requirements is crucial for any organization’s success. With the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI), this process has been revolutionized, offering enhanced efficiency, precision, and effectiveness.

Detailed Candidate Summary

View all candidate who have applied to your job and every single detail about their application 

Video interviews provide insights beyond resumes.

Candidates can take a one-way video interview with enough time for them prepare and respond to your screening questions

Comprehensive Candidate Scoring

Easily identify the top candidates based on our custom AI scoring model.

Invite Candidates to next round

Invite the candidate to next round of interview a simple click on our platform