Story | Jesica

Jesica’s Story

If you’re reading this, odds are you already know this: hiring top talent has gotten harder and more competitive in the past 5-10 Years.

Why is that? We see three core reasons worth noting.

  • First, The increasing number of fast growing venture backed companies with unprecedented revenues is increasing demand for top tier talent and making the process of hiring talent in many roles more challenging than ever before.
  • Second, In high growth companies, human capital is the biggest bottleneck and unmet hiring goals mean revenue loss. This led recruiting operations to become more mission critical, strategic and operationally minded.
  • Third, Remote hiring, along with other trends such as virtual interviewing and automated scheduling schedules enabled companies during the pandemic, unearthing a more reliable, efficient and effective recruitment process. It has also made the entire talent lifecycle shorter. Accelerated sourcing, screening and shortlisting means more hires, shorter talent lifecycles and less time on the job market.

An Era of Recruitment Excellence

While Covid made it challenging for HR teams, recruitment excellence helped forward-thinking stakeholders view them as their biggest competitive edge. Recruitment excellence is now a strategic advantage empowering talent leaders to move the needle on some of the most strategic business decisions such as organizational planning, headcount and using this period to future-proof the recruitment process. We’re inspired by all the talent teams and companies aiming to excel at all of the below, (and oftentimes much more!).

Recruitment Excellence

  • Candidate experience What is the quality and speed of your candidate communication and engagement? How well do they get to know the company and their prospective team during the interview process?
  • Pre-assessments indicators for post-hiring performance How good are your interviews at predicting job performance and how consistent are you at evaluating candidates?
  • Candidate attraction Are you building enough top of funnel via sourcing activities? Are you generating diverse pipeline? Are you improving your talent brand to make it easier to attract candidates? Are consistently closing strong candidates?
  • Defining and hitting realistic hiring targets Are you able to capacity plan and track progress to goal? Is the recruiting function a true partner to the business in headcount planning?
  • Stakeholder engagement How good are you at sharing metrics out to stakeholders? How confident are you with your data and your data-driven hiring decisions?
  • Recruitment efficiency How many resources do you need to support your hiring goals? How much time is the company spending in interviews for each hire and how do these hours translate to money.

While non-comprehensive, the list can give you a sense of just how much recruitment demands for excellence. Anyone who has never been exposed to an extremely well run recruiting operation is surprised by just how much goes into achieving hiring excellence.

The Age of Recruiting Operations

To support talent teams with these new demands, more companies are building out recruiting operations at earlier stages. Drawing inspiration from well-established Sales and Marketing operations, talent teams are dedicating resources to recruiting processes, tools, and strategies, knowing that these investments will pay off on the long run and foreseeing the ROI and recruitment yield upon deployment.

“I focused heavily on maturing our approach to recruiting analytics and interviewer experience and calibration and it had an immediate and huge impact on hitting our hiring goals and doing so efficiently. I became increasingly passionate about the impact strong recruiting operations could have on a companies’ trajectory.” — Nat Taylor: Product Manager |

Before founding, our co-founders, product managers and talent leaders were all deeply involved in hiring for our own functions. In the two years leading up to the founding of, We focused heavily on engineering recruiting and took on automating many recruiting operations tasks that our lean talent team couldn’t handle. Recruiting operations for earlier-stage and MVP companies were still emerging at that time.

What We Set Out to Build

We interviewed over a hundred Talent and Recruiting Operations Leaders, Recruiters, and Hiring Managers at high-growth companies. We came away convinced that a massive shift in Talent Acquisition was underway and that there was a significant opportunity to build a product aimed at the most ambitious and forward-thinking talent teams. We set out to build a product that empowers hiring teams in ways that existing recruiting software does not. In addition to a customizable and powerful dashboard for your talent pools, we decided to make analytics, scheduling, interviewing, and sourcing automation core parts of our product. We built with a recruiting operations mindset, always thinking about how operationally minded teams can leverage and customize the platform to improve recruiting workflows for both their teams and their candidates.

How Jesica Enables Recruitment Excellence

Hiring has changed and so should your tools. Companies that excel at hiring have a strategic advantage. Our approach to building Jesica is aimed for people-centric, ambitious teams that question the status quo:

We’ve designed Jesica to

  • Streamline Recruitment: Utilize AI and human expertise to efficiently screen and match candidates.
  • Enhance Candidate Experience: Offer a personalized and engaging recruitment journey.
  • Automate Routine Tasks: Reduce manual work through automation, freeing up your team for strategic activities.
  • Scale Effortlessly: Adapt to hiring needs, whether it’s one position or hundreds.
  • Provide Deep Insights: Deliver comprehensive candidate profiles using advanced analytics.

To help you achieve

  • 90% Reduction in Cost-Per-Hire: Save significantly by automating initial outreach and screenings.
  • 85% Faster Time-to-Hire: Accelerate the hiring process from start to finish.
  • 95%+ Increased Pipeline Match Accuracy: Improve the effectiveness of your candidate sourcing, their performance and retention.
  • 10x Faster Sourcing and Screening: Quickly identify top candidates through automated performance assessments based on AI and Human vetting and shortlisting.

Where We Are Today and What’s Next

We’re excited for what’s next, having achieved many of our key goals. But, it’s just the beginning of our journey.

In recent years, we’ve made substantial investments in developing a robust platform foundation for Jesica. We’ve also collaborated closely with high-growth companies to refine and enhance our product.

While we have many more improvements planned for the future, we’re already seeing remarkable results. Teams using Jesica to its full potential are empowered to create top-notch recruiting functions supported by advanced technology. Our customers have reported significant gains in process efficiency, candidate experience, and team engagement. With our emphasis on data analytics, we continue to see recruiters benefiting from actionable insights in ways that inspire and motivate us.

Say Hi!

If you’ve made it this far – thank you for your interest and for being a part of this journey.

If you want to learn more about Jesica, let’s have a chat. We’d be happy to give you a walkthrough and answer any questions you might have. You can schedule a call here.


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